Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Time Flies When You Can't Remember It

I was just organizing some yarn this week and cleared out some of my cloth bags. One has a screen printing from a winter carnival I helped organize in Newfoundland a few years back. Then I noted the year...1996. OMG that is nearly 10 years ago!!! Where in the hell did the time go? Ten years has seen a lot of change now that I think about it. Ten years ago I was still married, barely into my first university degree, my daughter was just 10 years old, and I was living in outport Newfoundland, and I remember wondering if my life was basically over. Well, maybe not that dramatic, but I do recall being disappointed with my life and how I felt trapped in my marriage, in my home, and in my situation. Now look at me, ten years later I am happily divorced, living on my own, my daughter is moved out on her own, and I have graduated from university 3 times and am in my fourth year working as a social worker. I live on the opposite end of the country and have been on three international backpacking trips thus far.

The world has also moved on in the past 10 years, as things tend to do. In the words of John Lennon, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans". Try to enjoy the next ten years.

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