Thursday, February 19, 2004

ok, so I had to go out and shovel tonight. The plow (aka devil incarnate) came round again and dumped me full of snow...not as much as before, but enough that it took me a while. It was damn heavy too! And there was one huge snow boulder that I had to pound at to break apart so I could move the pieces out of the driveway. I had to shovel it right away or it would freeze in the driveway and then I would never get it out! The plow came around twice more after that, but I was still out there, so he lifted his blade...lucky guy..I had my shovel poised to throw at him. not that it would hurt him in his huge plow, but I would feel better...

and now its snowing again...just look at this damn radar...

more friggin snow

poor Brad will be busy again tomorrow...what a sin. I can't make him get up in the morning to get me shovelled out yet again...He must have shovelled a full ton of snow tonight or more.


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