Saturday, August 28, 2004

Computer # 2

Amber's computer showed up at work yesterday. Its a beauty...flat panel display, usb memory key, 80 G hard drive, DVD burner, etc...sweet...and I want to keep it and give her my older one. I know, I know, its hers, but I am jealous! I thought I was ordering a flat-panel display when I bought 18 months ago, but I obviously didn't know what I was ordering...I bought a flat-screen monitor, which is just a regular sized monitor with a flat screen. Totally different. It is a beast and takes up half my desk. The flat screen is really nice though and my eyes notice it. Much clearer, sharper image, and my eyes do not get tired as quickly.

So I was thinking of just keeping it in the boxes, but wanted to take a peek, and then thought I might load some of my software on there that she wanted, and her games, and maybe burn some movies....if I could figure it out. Well, I got the software one, but couldn't load on her Sims games as my sister has the original game, which you need to load on first in order to put on the expansion I have to get her to mail that out to us. Then I drove into town and picked up some recordable DVD's and thought I was ready to rumble...NOT. I should have known it wouldn't be as easy as just copying movies, since it is against the law. (and I'm not really doing it...) Then it seems I bought the wrong DVD's, so I have to go back today and get the right ones.

It was fun setting it up though, Dell makes such nice computers. And I love that flat panel display, very nice and much more compact. It came in a box not much bigger than a shoebox. Now to get it all back in there again to take to Halifax next weekend.

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