Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The Ol' Swimming Hole

and that it was...a hole. Not far from here, just through the trees in the back of my house, about a 5 minute walk is a little swimming hole in the brook. not real deep, just about chest deep, and COLD but boy was it refreshing. and it pools there next to a small ripple in the brook, where there is a rock just right for sitting on, just below the surface of the water, next to the bubbling water of the ripple. Ahhhhh...

so the youngun and I, (she is home for a couple of days) walked back there today and sat in the brook at the ol' swimming was GREAT! Now we are both tuckered out (from that 5 minute walk of course) and she is napping in the living room while I blog.

I wish she didn't have to go back tonight.

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