Monday, August 30, 2004

Kayaking Adventures with Amber

It was a glorius day...sunny, warm, just enough breeze to keep the flies off you. So we headed over to my friend's house in our bathing suits, shorts and sandals. My friend has a sit-in kayak, which I was going to use, and her friend had a sit-on kayak that Amber was to use. After some graceless minutes attempting to get INTO the kayaks, away we were...or so I thought. My child is a little out of shape...and somewhat uncoordinated. I was whipping along in my kayak, and she was far behind. So I waited for her as she spun circles in the kayak, complaining all the way. "I thought this was supposed to be relaxing!" "I'm not having fun!" "My hips hurt" "My hands are sore" "This stupid kayak keeps going in circles!" "There's too much wind!" yada, yada, yada. So I convinced her to try my kayak paddle, to see if that made any different...very little actually. We headed back in to shore and switched kayaks. Well, I can see her difficulty as this sit-on kayak did indeed have a tendency to spin in circles...very frustating. But I was able to get along fairly easy. And my body was not as comfortable, but I wasn't sore in any way. At least her getting to kayak in the better one restored her faith in herself and in kayaking! We weren't at it long though and came back in...she was finished with water sports for the day - "I didn't know it was going to be such a workout" Huh? I hadn't even broken a sweat and I am definitely out of shape. Hmmm...I was even thinking of buying a kayak for myself if I thought I could fit it on the top of my car! What an adventure...

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