Monday, August 30, 2004

Those Country Bugs

If I have learned one thing from living out in the country, its that there are MANY kinds of bugs. I was expecting the usual bugs - earwigs (tons of them), mosquitoes, black flies, deer flies, and gawd knows how many spiders, etc. What I was hoping to do without were EXTRA LARGE spiders, and unknown bugs. We were barbecuing on Saturday evening when I looked back beside the chair I had been sitting on, unsupsectingly only to discover the hugest spider I have ever seen. The body of it was that fat, it must have been the size of a ping pong ball, and white in color. It was HUGE! And it had a HUGE web designed to the side of my chair. Good thing I didn't know it at the time, or I would have fainted right here..and I don't faint easy. There were that many flying things around that night, I don't even know what they all were. We had the lights on because as you know, nights are getting longer...sigh..and we saw the standard millars flocking to the lights, but also some type of flying bug, bigger than an ant. And plenty of bats...yick...I was so jittery by the time the meat was done, I felt like I was crawling with bugs...turned out I was. When I went in the house, I had two different ones crawl up over my shoulder...SCREAM! Then when I changed my clothes into pyjamas, I had another one fall out of my tank top...SCREAM!!! Nothing like a good case of the willies...

And we had been watching Stephen King's The Langoliers which had us on edge enough as it was!

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