Friday, August 27, 2004

Evil Blue Paint - part 2

Well, I got the furniture back in my room. And it actually looks pretty good, especially now that I have all the pewter type handles on the drawers. It was not an easy process though, putting my room to rights. I had planned on changing around the layout of my room this time, due to bad feng shui with the last arrangement. So I began with laying the bedrails on the floor while I shifted the mattress and boxspring around. You would think that 5 days for paint to dry would be enough. Apparently not. Those darn bedrails left some paint on the floor. They had not received a fresh coat from the night before. Then came moving my bookcase around the bed to the other side...RRRRRRRIIIIPPPPP goes the flooring...OH SHIT! It is a small rip, but a rip nonetheless and one that is not hidden under furniture. Ok, I have to get some glue or something to pin that down...dammit. So then I put the bed where I wanted it and realized that I wanted the desk on the right, not on the left, so had to shove the bookcase a different way and shove the bed over. Inbetween all this I am chasing dust bunnies...I am not accustomed to all of this FUR. When you have carpet, it mysteriously disappears, but now that I am in a carpetless house, there is TONS of bunnies.

So I have the bed together, after struggling to get the boxspring onto the frame, I accidentally scraped some evil blue paint off the bedframe with the boxspring...dammit. Then Cibele and I move the desk up and the corner of the desk rubs the comes some more evil blue paint. The desk just fits next to the bed. Now comes the dresser. My drawers seem to have a code to them and I feel like I am on The Price is Right trying to get them to fit into the appropriate slots as they are all different. No matter where I try this one drawer, it ain't going in all the way. Apparently there is just a little too much paint on it and now it won't slide in. Great. So my lovely dresser with evil blue paint and brand new pewterlike knobs has a bum drawer. Fine, whatever. Time to get the rest of the room settled in. Now for the tops of the desk and dresser, I had planned on putting on filet crochet mats that my Grandmother had made many years ago (she died in 1984) but I can only find one. WHAT? So I have to settle for one mat and one doily (made by my mother just a few years ago). Now the room is complete and I have to say, in spite of the evil blue paint, it looks pretty sharp. I do have to do a little touchup, but its just great. I have a mirror in there from my teenage days though...I am thinking it needs some help as well. It is presently a light blue, with several Garfield stickers on it. I don't know what I can do about the Garfield, but I do have a small bit of evil blue paint left...

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