Friday, April 15, 2005

Thank F?$! It's Friday

It has been a busy, busy week! I felt like I was juggling every day, but the work got done, believe it or not. And after my hellish weekend and the rotten son-of-a-bitch cold I had, I am impressed that I made it. Although I did bail on a transport tonight, but hell, I went yesterday to the same place and did all the paperwork...let the other gal go there tonight. I just wasn't up for another 3 hours in my car this week!!!

Sigh. Well, as always, when I do an apprehension on the weekend, its because I am on-call for the week. We have a 5-day hearing, which for a weekend apprehension, always falls on a Friday. And when I am on call for a week, I always get the Friday off, no questions asked. Except when I do an apprehension. Then I have to reschedule the free Friday off as I have to spend the day in court. Nice. Just how I want to spend my Friday. And today it was in the afternoon. Yes, Your Honor. I have given up my Friday off to be here with you so we can get this show on the get going!

At least I didn't get a speeding ticket this time. I was watching my speed closely. It was the last thing I wanted today! I was struck though, while driving back with the Bras D'Or Lakes on my right, just how beautiful they are from that side of the lakes. The last time I was in Sydney (1.5 hours away) they were all frozen, and while still beautiful in their own way, they were awesome today. Bright sunny skies, gale of wind, so you saw the whitecaps everywhere. And there I was, flitting along the highway like it was the coast of the ocean...oh yeah, it was partly that too...I don't much like all the driving I have to do for my job, but the scenery makes up for it sometimes! I can't wait until I can take my breaks at the beach again.

So now what is the weekend plan? Putter, lounge, eat, and sleep. I bought a ton of movies the other night at Movie Gallery - $2.99 each with buy two get two free...whoo hoo! There are also some replanting I have to do, now that I have my herb garden all done.

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