Saturday, September 10, 2005

Direction in My Life, FINALLY!

Ok, I have blathered on here before about what to do with my left next, because there has to be something next, right? I did an interview last year for Inuvik, and ended up not going (turned them down when they offered). So now I had another interview for up north (the Yukon) and was offered the job yesterday and I ACCEPTED. Wow. Now I am really moving.

I begin the new job on November 21st, so have a couple of months here yet. The groovy thing is that because I will be working for the government now, they pay to move me AND they pack up all my shit themselves. I LOATHE packing, so that is a true bonus. I still have some organizing to do, and of course, have to find a place to live up there, but this is the beginning of the end for the east coast experiment. I've been here over three years and will be leaving many good friends behind. sniff...

I wish I could wiggle my nose and just be there with all my stuff set up. Wouldn't that be nice. I wonder how the kitties are going to like the long plane ride...tranquilizers, lots of tranquilizers...


Big Hoser said...

I thought you were driving.... Of course, driving to the Yukon for November will more than likely mean SNOW.

Anyway, congrats on the big move!

Dreama said...

I had hoped to drive, but realistically, I don't think I can do that much driving right now...having surgery this fall, then moving, and blah, blah, blah...just would rather be there, and avoid the hassle....and then there is the price of gas...EEEK!

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