Monday, December 29, 2003

All that fuss over Christmas and its all but over! Was a wonderful time though...Christmas Day the resident teenager jumped on my bed at 5:15am...thought she had outgrown that, but apparently NOT. So ma dragged her ass out of bed to open stockings, then head downstairs for the gift opening. Lots of lovely gifts and the resident teenager was pleased with her new larger backpack I gave her for our travels. Then I headed back to bed to SLEEP! About 10:30, aroused again by teenager, we got ourselves ready, picked up her b/f and headed to Sydney to see her sister and family. The little one is gorgeous! Brooklynn turned 2 on Monday, and she talks up a storm. She's a real sweetie and if I had stayed married to her grandfather, I would have been a grandma...YIKES! Good thing I got divorced, I am too young to be a grandma....give me a few more years yet...

So, hairy ride back in the rain, fog and sleet...then we set off for my friend Kathleen's to eat and drink. Good having that resident teenager around when you need a designated driver!!! After food and sloth, back home again to chat and get to bed...busy days coming...

Boxing day was all about cleanup and a short visit from my brother and his daughter. We exchanged gifts and everyone was pleased, then Olivia discovered the chocolate and it went down hill from there. They are heading to the rock to spend some time with my parents, so off they went, and back to cleaning up for us. A. then headed to work for the night and I went to bed early.

Saturday...brave the malls, not too bad...lineups acceptable...get in and out with what I need and off to a friend's house for the afternoon with friend K. We had a pleasant visit out of town, then back here again to feed and sloth before heading out to the 9th annual Snowbowl! No gals allowed to play...just fine with me...we all hung out inside and drank, ate and was great! I did go out to watch from time to time, and saw one touchdown, so that was cool. Back home again at 1:30am, for SLEEP.

Yesterday, it was a girls, sloth, movies, drinks, laughter, crafts - knitting and cross stitch that day; and a great time...Finding Nemo was HILARIOUS! Gotta love Ellen, huh? We also watched A Beautiful Mind, Pirates of the Carribean, and Notting Hill.

Today is much easier...some shopping (mall was a zoo) and home for sloth, drinks, food, and movies...and more knitting! I bought some Feather Boa "yarn" and am making a fuzzy scarf.

So there you the week ahead has more social outings, but for a couple of days, its all about me...har har...

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