Wednesday, December 10, 2003

a good day...I was an agent of change, a presenter, a mom, and a good friend today. I don't think I get enough days like this one, so I'm going to savour it well. All I can say is that for today, opening my mouth was a good thing. This is not always the case. :-)

Good news on the snow/ice in the driveway - the b/f of the resident teen managed to hack and chop it all out and I can park in the driveway again...whoo hoo!!! Bad news is, when I got home, I realized that the garbage truck did not notice my white bag of garbage on the snow/ice pile in the driveway and it was still there when I got home, much to the delight of the crows who decided it was snacktime...bad crows!!!

Got the bank card back again this morning, and had it replaced with a brand new one. When they went to fetch mine, there were what looked like 6 or 7 others in her hand from the machine...aha...I was not the only one who was pissed last night...

I explained to the resident teenager what a blog was, and since she aspires to be a journalist someday, she is interested in beginning her own...stay tuned for a site addy.

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