Monday, December 08, 2003

ok, Monday morning. We all hate it. try having the student loan people call you at 8:30am on the first morning you have off in weeks. that's a drag. I don't know who else is going through student loan hell, but I sure am. They want my blood. They call and threaten me weekly, and crying on them doesn't help...then they yell at me "ARE YOU GOING TO LISTEN TO ME!!!" - no, says I, and hang up.

I feel like picketing outside the student awards office - DON'T GO FOR STUDENT LOANS! IT IS HELL!!! Sure, it got me out of the pinch I was in when I was a student, but I would trade it all back to not have them on my ass. What they don't realize is that not everyone graduates with an engineering degree and makes $100k the first year. Some actually get their degree to make a difference in the world and are not financially rewarded for that at $34K a year. I think they target Arts grads, as they know darn well we don't make enough to make all the payments.

what to do, what to do.

and the snow...there is more of course, but it could have been mostly rain after the first 6 inches, so now I just have frozen lead to move from my driveway. I'll likely break all four shovels, including my new scoop. Now that I AM UP I might as well go give it a shot. got some reserve anger now after talking to the student loan thugs, so lets feel the burn!

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