Wednesday, December 31, 2003

The last day of the year.

And I am spending it alone...not necessarily a bad thing. Had a few invitations from my friends to go here or there, but its not the same as going out with a I am staying home, alone. New Years is a time for getting dressed up to go out, kissing someone special at midnight, drinking until dawn, breakfast at some diner...well, since I am alone this year, I am not partaking and will be spending it watching movies, eating some favorite snacks, and talking to other people who are "alone" on New Years.

What are my hopes for 2004?

- that my one and only child graduates from high school in June
- that said child begins university or some other meaningful venture this September
- that I move out of Port Hawkesbury, the zone of nothingness thrown at the side of the highway
- that I am lucky enough to get another job when I leave the zone
- that the resident teen and I return safely from our next adventure - Mexico and Central America in April
- that I figure out what the hell I am doing with my life once said child moves out
- that my sister safely delivers her THIRD child in June (and that it is a girl!)
- that I am not alone next New Years Eve

We'll just have to wait and see how the year goes...

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