Thursday, December 18, 2003

Gadzooks! How can it be Thursday already? I haven't written since Sunday. Well, here's the abbreviated new snow, lots of rain.

I've shopped my butt off for Christmas sponsorship kids this month and loved every minute of it. 16 kids, all with other people's money...awesome! I just love the feeling I get when I get to be Santa and drop the presents off...two more stops tomorrow and I'm done...then I have to focus on my stuff.

So I had the bright idea to "make" most of my Christmas presents this'm so creative...except now I have to actually get it done. I did manage to get most things done for the kidlets, aka my neice and two nephews...I made them cd's and tapes of me reading stories to them, and little aprons for in the kitchen. But then there is the barbie doll clothes I was supposed to make for my neice...still in pieces on the floor of my dining room...and there is the cookbook for my daughter, still half typed in my computer...and the scrapbook of our trip to Europe for my daughter...only 3 pages done...and all the mittens for my neice I promised her...sigh...I'm tired just thinking about it. Whose bright idear was this anyhow?

So now I feel like I have to go buy something to put with the cd/tape combo for my neice as she got her apron months ago, and the barbie clothes and mittens just ain't gonna happen in time. Rats, there goes my plan to make all my gifts.

It's my dad's 69th birthday today. Holy cow...when did my dad get so old? And then I remember that tomorrow is my birthday...37 years old...even though the sassy ladies at work kept trying to make me out to be 40!!! Perish the thought...I don't think I can handle being 40 and alone...I will have to find someone by then.

Ok, that is depressing enough...tomorrow will be a great day. My daughter is taking me out to a fancy restaurant for an early supper in Antigonish...Gabrieau's Bistro...yumm! And tonight, a friend dropped by with a gift bag for my birthday...
knowing how much I just LOVE snow...she bought me a teddy bear that sings "Let it Snow" friends are sadistic, and out to get me...she said she knew I would love it as soon as she saw it. It will sit on my desk when I get back to work on will balance off the sign on my door that says "Snow makes me cranky, what do YOU want?" which was better than the first draft..."snow makes me cranky - f*** off". but I got in trouble at work for cursing about the snow in the hallway, so scratched that.

don't forget to check out my friend Shane's blog...he has been BUSY this week!

Hairy Hoser

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