Thursday, December 11, 2003

wahhh, my guy was voted off survivor tonight! What a jerk he turned out to be anyhow. "Lil, I hope you can live with yourself. You broke our alliance" he says as he just finished writing her name down...duh. Well, there goes another 10 bucks down the drain. Nothing like losing twice...just don't think I'm paying twice!

I saw someone elses life flash before them today as they cut off two lanes of traffic that had an 18 wheeler and a pick-up truck in them in order to make a left turn...This guy pulled out in front of this traffic from a parking lot and crossed both lanes, pulling into the lane ahead of me...I damn near crapped myself. If he had would have been over for a few of us tangled up in his mess. I can't think of anything else that peeves me more than irresponsible driving! And now that I have been living in small town Cape Breton for going on 2 years now, I can't believe what I see. I felt safer driving on the 401 in Ontario than I do here, if you can believe that. I have never seen such driving. Its like they handed out driver's licenses at Wal-mart to the first 200 shoppers. I was beginning to question my own recollection of the rules of the road, until I looked them up and saw that, do all stop when the traffic lights are out and proceed as a four way stop....not here in Port Hawkesbury though...they sail right through....its a wonder no one is killed here.

Still no new snow, and I hear rain is on the way...I can only hope. Although I now have a built in weekday shoveller...the b/f of the resident teenager spends the night in the guest room after he gets off work at 3am (he has to be at college across the street at 7:30am and lives a 2 hour walk away and can't get a ride at 3am). He has offered to shovel any and all snow that falls this winter when he can. Awwwww...what a sweetie. And yes, he is sleeping in the guest room...there are no conjugal visits and I know this because of the beaded curtain on the door of resident teenager that hangs in front of wooden door...built in door CLACKER and mother is a light sleeper

Workplace Christmas party tomorrow night...good thing I am on call or I might get intoxicated and make an ass of myself...more to come

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