Tuesday, December 09, 2003

another fine day in my life. I got the resident teen to drop me off to do some shopping while she took the car and friend to do her own shopping. call me when you need a drive home, says she. I begin at the drug store, get the required stocking stuffers and move on to deposit my cheque next door at the bank. in goes the cheque, out comes the money...or at least that's how its supposed to work...just before my money comes out...the machine goes blank, and shuts down. with my card. with my money. and with me not having really begun the night's shopfest. I pound, kick and scream, to no avail. It doesn't care. It has my card and money and is laughing at me. Then the machine reboots and tells me to "please insert your card". Another string of expletives. I call the posted number, and get mr puberty on the phone who tells me...wow, I never heard of that before...you mean, like, your card didn't come out?

yeah, whatever, piss off is what is in my mind. Then he tells me he can't do anything about it, go see the bank in the morning (the bank machine is right on the bank property). Fine, but that doesn't help me now, and please tell me no one else can get my money spit out at them when they use the machine. No, no, of course not. Yeah, right, buddy. we'll see.

So then I phone resident teenager to pick me up. Her phone isn't working. So I phone the friend. Her phone is not with her. So I phone the friend's parents...yes, the girls were here but are gone now. Gee, thanks. Now I have to walk home...and I am not dressed for it. So graciously, friend's-mother's-boyfriend came over and took me home.

I get home and the phone rings...it is the resident teenager calling from my friend's cell phone...hey, do you need a ride home? piss off is what is in my mind.

but I did get some nice stocking stuffers at the drug store...

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