Monday, December 08, 2003

so I tried to clear the snow. it didn't go well. my yard is now littered with various and assorted snow clearing paraphenelia...I have a huge chunk of ice at the end of my driveway that I cannot clear. I have tried salt, chopping, and swearing. So I went to the municipal offices and lodged a complaint about the snowplow driver. my neighbor across the street has only a little wrinkle in his driveway...I have a 3 foot blob. its not what you know but who you know. So the snowclearing dispatched called me back at noon, but I was out. I hope they call again, I have a few words to share.

there is slush and water everywhere, so I ended up walking to work in this slop and because I am too stubborn to buy new winter boots, I wore my sneakers and my feet of course, got soaked, along with my pantlegs. snowclearing the sidewalks is apparently a foreign concept in this little town. We'll do it when we get around to it, and if we don't, so what. And sometimes we will even place a huge pile of snow in the middle of the sidewalk (last year).

My friend Shane apparently hates snowballs...especially the e-mail do I. I've already been sent two, even though most people know not to send that crap to me. Its like all those friendship day things. I mean, come one, it has been national friendship day for the last 7 years...give it a rest already. I don't want to see any twinkling angels, cherubs, fuzzy bears, blah, blah, blah. If I am your friend, fine. Let's leave it at that. That goes for the good luck leprechauns, blue men matras, sob stories about sick children, and all that other forward crap too. The only thing I want to see from my friends besides a pleasant e-mail is a funny joke or picture. I don't care if something bad will happen to me in 7 days...

ok, enough ranting...I'm going to see whats on the boob tube...

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