Saturday, December 20, 2003

apparently there wasn't much to say later...

a friend dropped over with some flowers and a birthday sweet. I haven't had a cake in years and I love to get flowers, so it was grand. Then we made Kraft dinner and went to Canadian Tire.

But earlier in the day, the resident teenager took me to Gabrieau's Bistro for some GOOD food...highly recommend the ciabatta melts. We did some shopping after that at the mall, and then came home.

The highlight came when my brother called, actually on my birthday! His usual pattern is to call me either the day before or the day after, or not at all. This year he got it right, and was very nice on the phone...I was happy. It might seem like a little thing, but to me it is a big thing. My brother only calls me once or twice a year, and one of those is the birthday call. And I only have one brother.

So my sister called too, and while she didn't have much time to chat, she did have good news...she passed her courses for her Paramedic Level 1 courses and is now a qualified Paramedic...Whoo hoo! I'm so proud of her. She has two toddlers at home and is pregnant with her third and still managed to pull this off. What a gal.

And my friend Susan called, and we both talked about how lonesome and boring our lives are, except for the snow and out lack of money...I try not to think about how sad that is. But I was very glad to her from her and have someone to commiserate with! the odd thing is, she too lived in the void here in Port Hawkesbury at one point in her life!

Of course my mother called too, and we chatted. I spoke for about 10 seconds to my dad. Sometimes he is a regular chatty cathy while other times he barely walks by the phone while speaking, ha ha. I guess he has to be in the mood!

No snow here in Cape Breton...good thing.

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