Sunday, December 14, 2003

It is snowing out again....

But not to worry, I have my trusty snow shoveller, Brad.

The great tree excursion of 2003 is over, we've scored a tree. It looks great and now that it and the house is decorated, the work is done...NOT! I still have baking to do - hope the hell it doesn't turn out like last time; and more presents to wrap and one more to shop for...she really has me puzzled and she reads so much meaning into things, I have to be SURE with her gift :-)

The staff Christmas party was on Friday and Santa (yours truly) was a hit. I was also on call and couldn't drink, so Santa was a little less jolly than he could have been. However, he did trip over the mike of the lead singer in the band we hired and sent it rocketing into the guy's head as he was singing...OOOPS! He just kept on singing...what a professional! The band was very good, and at the end, my friend Rob sang a couple of songs too.

I tried to get everyone to sit on Santa's knee, but not everyone was so keen on that...heh heh...if you want to see a pic of Santa...just check out my online photo album here:

Jude's Photo Albums

Well, I have to go pick up the resident teenager who was supposed to be drinking responsibly last night. Good time to sing Christmas carols in her ear to see if it hurts...heh heh

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