Tuesday, March 23, 2004

so I begin again...after the peace march, we all went back to my friend's place for some cold beers and tea, and some lively chatting. I hung out there for the night, had a wonderful breakfast the next day and headed back to the void that is Port Hawkesbury...

Yesterday I was getting ready to go to Sydney and wanted to drive during office hours as I wasn't that busy at work, and I was planning on meeting up with a former coworker in Sydney. I was going to Sydney on business, so this was ok...I just had to be out of the office by 3pm...at 2:15pm, I get a call from the lawyer who is representing the agency in Sydney, with whom I have to meet at 8:30am the next morning. Now, I had been in contact with this person since December, knowing he was going to call me as a witness to give testimony on a file. Sure, no prob. Today he throws in there, just 45 minutes before I am to leave town to drive to Sydney..."by the way, did I mention that you need to bring a current CV?" OH FUCK. No, mister, you did not mention that little tidbit and I haven't updated my CV since I lived in Ontario in June of 2002...I have little or nothing social work related on there. "Well, this judge requires a CV from everyone who offers testimony"...OH FUCK.

So, after I hang up from him and much more colorful language, I tear home to get my disc with my CV on it(he's lucky I actually live in town, not like many of my coworkers who live a half hour drive away), come back to the office to attempt to update it, and realize that the brand new Word Perfect Garbage that I have on my computer and have complained about since they put it on there and made me take off my own copy of MS Word, does not open my CV properly...in fact, it screws up all the formatting, loses loads of the data, and generally fucks it up. So I stamp scream curse, etc...then pound downstairs to use the one computer that does have Word on it...I throw something together, and realize the next day that I have not changed my address, nor the status of me actually graduating from being a candidate to graduate...not a happy camper. The CV finally gets printed off...

and there I am, tearing off to Sydney, 15 minutes late, but my friend isn't bothered...we went out to a lovely supper at Swiss Chalet and then I went back to the hotel to relax. The next morning, I am up bright and early to meet the lawyer for some prep time, that all goes well, and he tells me that I won't actually be on until noon or later...fine...I am going back to the hotel to veg. Then at 11:00am, he calls to tell me they have adjourned until JUNE, and we might not need you at all. thanks a lot bud...

The rest of the day was even worse...I cracked my face on my car door, slammed my toes into my filing cabinet, and some hero thought it would be funny to change a bunch of stuff around in my office...like switching all the drawers, turning around all the cards in my address file, taping weird pics of guys up on the walls, shit like that. I was just not in the headspace for it...and to add insult to serious injury...I called into work on my way back to town from Sydney only to be told I needed to come right in as we had an intake investigation, so I rushed home, dragged the kid off to see someone she needed to see - they weren't there, I barked at the fellow there that I was wasting my lunch hour to bring her there, why in hell isn't he there when he told us to come him...blah, blah, blah...go dump the kid off home, rush back to work, only to find out that my coworkers were playing a joke on me...no real intake at all actually...ha fucking ha.

so it has been a bitch of a day...I left early and went and ran some errands and came the fuck home. I can't be around people right now...

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