Wow, where have the days gone...I was in a peace march on Saturday afternoon in Grand Narrows, my first ever. I even made some placards and they went over very slogans were:
Canadians Love Peace (love being a heart/peace symbol)
Use Words Not Weapons
Peace Creates Peace
and one other one that I can't remember...I only carried one of them, and gave the others away.
In any event, it was the second year Grand Narrows has had one, and the papers even wrote about it in advance. the Halifax Herald and the Cape Breton Post. My friends Madeleine and David were the organizers of it, and I stayed with them overnight in Grand Narrows. It was FREEZING cold for the march, and the wind whipped through the Barra Strait, carrying snow and our voices, but we had so much fun, and the miserable weather is certainly nothing to endure compared to what those in war are enduring. I took pictures and will post them on Hip Forums and link here shortly...Peace March
I will have to finish this blog later as I am trying to do too many things at once!!!
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