Saturday, July 17, 2004

Here I sit...

in the dark...its twenty to one in the morning and I am not tired enough for sleep, not yet anyhow, so I thought I would poke around on the net. It's a beautiful night, a few stars out, no wind, and very warm. It was a fine day today. I got all my laundry washed and nearly all of it dried on the clothesline...gawd, I love the country. Out here, I can hang my clothes out and it doesn't stink like pulp mill, but fresh air. And it dried so soft...the only fly in the ointment was the darn fly on my arm...or should I say swarm of deeres...damn things...some call them circle flies because they circle your head, over and over again, like they are trying to herd you somewhere. I got a big bite on my arm, and a number of them on my legs. Grrrr! I'll be glad when they're gone. At least they weren't out tonight when I was sitting out with friends.

Cooked baked beans today, the first time in many years. And boy is it windy tonight...
I invited my friends R. and A. over, and my neighbors over, and we had a lovely meal. I made tea biscuits as well, and we had strawberry shortcake for dessert...wonderful! Then we sat out (neighbors went elsewhere, prior commitment) and at first we thought the black flies were going to carry us away, but then we lit citronella candles and got a dose of OFF and we were good to go...until it began to rain. It didn't amount to much, just a sprinkle, but we went in anyhow.

I watched the Amazing Race 5 tonight...its gonna be a good season...the fangs are out already. They are down to 9 teams, but it has been interesting thus far. I forgot to watch it on Tuesday night, but I have a dish, so wonderfully, I get several opportunities to watch it again on Saturday night. I can't wait until Survivor comes on again this fall...wonder where the next location will be?

I have all day tomorrow to relax...if the weather is good, I may sit out and read for a bit. I tried to today, but got so busy with laundry, cooking, baking, errands to town, cleaning, and oh yeah, I was on duty and got a couple of calls, heh heh. I need to get a little more color on my legs. I know its not good for me...blah, blah, blah...but I like a bit of a tan.

I see that my friend Tobey has posted her first post...yeah Tobey! She went to a concert tonight, Blue Rodeo with Jimmy Rankin opening. I wouldn't have minded going, but with me being on call, it would have been a pain in the ass, and since I did get a couple of calls, I would have had to leave. I hope they had fun!

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