Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Pet Peeves
We all got em...here are a few of mine...

  1. drivers who don't use signal lights
  2. people in the checkout line with unpriced items
  3. servers who don't LISTEN to your order and find numerous ways to screw up your order
  4. automated customer service systems - so many menus that I forget why I called...likely their purpose
  5. telemarketers - especially those who won't take no for an answer
  6. bank tellers who know the customer and feel they should update them with every detail of their life while you wait in line
  7. people who run stop signs because they figure no one is coming - that was ME you almost ran down today dumbass!
  8. I thought there was more, but I am just too tired to think right now...stay tuned tomorrow for part two of my pet peeves...on baited breath, I'm sure.

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