Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Its Coming!

My 200th post is coming...stay tuned for an extra special message from the dreama zone!

sounds ominous, doesn't it? Well, my friend Shane thought he should have something special for his 200th post, so I am taking my cue from him. I can't believe I have had that much to say, but I have to say, I have enjoyed blogging thus far, even with the bumps in the pavement aka my mother.

I have managed to keep my workplace out of my blogs for the most part, unlike my friend Shane and managed to bore you all with tales of snow shovelling, and the resident teenager. I feel like the 200th post forward should begin a new chapter, but what could be next? The non-resident teenager now has her own blog and should be posting sometime in early September once she gets her computer and net hookup, so I will leave her to tell the tales of university and city life.

Perhaps it will move into being a relationship blog, with tales of my intimate relationships with men....HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...snort, laugh, choke, gasp...now THERE'S entertainment...

no, likely it will be a kind of everything blog...which is just the way I like it for now.

1 comment:

Big Hoser said...

Maybe we should come up with different attempts for you to meet men... ;o)

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