Thursday, September 02, 2004

My Sister's Uncanny Ability

Yup, she's got one. She has the uncanny ability to know when I have gone to bed early and then phone about 30 minutes after I have gone to sleep. I am impressed too, by the way, because she lives in northern British Columbia, which is about 8000 or so kms away. She's real good. I know there is a 4 hour time difference and she often forgets about this, or thinks that, "oh, she's always up til midnight, I can call her" which is usually true, but once in a while, I happen to tire early so go to bed early. And she calls me.

Such was the case two nights ago. I had recently changed my room around following the evil blue paint episode. It was all about the feng shui. Sleeping has improved somewhat, but it had been so HOT and HUMID lately, I had brought in my big square fan and put it on a chair facing my bed. You know the kind - they belong on the floor, and they are two foot square or so. I bought it in Waterloo at the campus housing I was living in for $5. Because of the room being changed around, I didn't have a phone cord long enough to reach where my nightstand/desk was, so left it over on the dresser, thus I would have to get out of bed to answer the phone. Normally, the only time the phone rings when I am in bed is when I am on duty and get a duty call....except when my sister calls me on the nights I go to bed early.

So there I am, safely tucked in my newly arranged bed, the fan is not on because it is finally cool again but I haven't gotten around to moving it just yet, the lights are out - and I live in the country so when they are is DARK. I have just drifted off to sleep, and that is what I call my "stupid time" - the first hour I am asleep I am usually very stunned if awoke during this time and confused.

BRRRRRIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG! The phone rings! I grab towards my nightstand/desk and fumble for the phone, forgetting it is way over on the dresser, knocking everything onto the floor - glasses, book, tv then I leap out of bed, charging towards the dresser, forgetting about the fan. Now the chair is at a perfect height to slam both knees into, which I do, and then fall over the fan, knocking it over and off the chair onto the floor, tipping the chair over. I lunge for the phone, cursing and knock it off the dresser. I finally pick it up off the floor, and stumble to my bed, shouting a confused "hello?" into the phone, fully expecting it to be the answering service with a call for me.

Its not. Its my sister. Oh hi she says...were you gone to bed? Grrrrrrrrr. She talks for about 4 minutes while I nurse my wounds, and then announces that she forgot her friend was coming over and had to go. Bye. Oh, there were choice words for her...

My roommate didn't know what to make of it. She heard the phone ring and then the mighty crash, and thought we were at war. I think I need to get an extension cord for the phone.

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