Thursday, October 20, 2005

Back To Work Blues

Well, if anything, going back to work again today has led me to believe I made the right decision in leaving to go to the Yukon. Sad isn't it. No one reason, just a lot of shit going down in the workplace that I'm sure glad I don't have to deal with it much longer. Not that there won't be the same kind of shit to deal with at a new place, but it will be DIFFERENT SHIT.

I was called off today by a supervisor/director/whatever in the hell he calls himself for using a word improperly, a simple stupid thing, it was entirely childish. He is with another agency, thankfully, but so ridiculous. And then he ended the email with a spelling error. Gawd. And it was a truly easy word..."remember" was spelled "remembar". For pity's sake. And he had the nerve to say that my grammar was an indication of my social work skills...sheesh.

They had a fire drill today, but yet the fire department did not show up and they are located a block away. WTF? Shouldn't they attend? After all, it is a FIRE drill. I am surprised that the maintenance joke who pretends to look after our building didn't pick a nice rainy day to do it on, so kudos to him for a change. I wanted to stay at my desk as I figured it was just a drill but the fire marshall??? on our floor (seriously, that's what she called herself) drove me out.

In any event, I am glad to be wrapping up my last weeks here and move on to new business. I will miss some of my co-workers, though, and hope they try to keep in touch.

ahhh...tomorrow is another day, and a Friday at bad can it be?

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