Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Thank God The Knife Didn't Slip

well, it's all over but the healing. Surgery went well enough today, although the surgeon informed me that it was a close call for the old type incision, the one that would have put me off work for 6 weeks. Doc told me my gall bladder was hiding a little in the folds of the liver...whatever. All I know is that its over and done with, just have to heal.

I was extremely uncomfortable when I first woke up, but after some thrashing and complaining, they gave me enough drugs to make me comfortable again. Got some to take home, but not near as strong.

so now I am on 2 glorious weeks of sick leave...I am so glad about that. I needed a break from work, and my parents are visiting, so I can spend lots of time with them.

ok, starting to fade...time to get to sleep before my mother catches me on the computer...I'm only 38, lol!

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