Sunday, October 23, 2005

Time Is Ticking!

Ok, its pissing rain, but at least I got lots of stuff done today. Laudry, organizing crap, throwing crap out, changing out beds, etc. Before I know it, Saturday will be here and the movers arrive to pack it all up. I have moved myself into the spare room so I can put all of my things that DO NOT get packed into there. Lets see how many times I have to tell them not to go in there.

The count is on for work too...just 15 days left of work, yahoo! I have been wrapping up my caseload but it hasn't been easy, particularly with 2 open positions not filled yet.

This time next month I will be already started at my new weird is that. The job I have now is the longest I've spent doing any job. I just hope I enjoy my new job as much as I've enjoyed this one. WHO SAID THAT? Well, maybe enjoy is too strong a about appreciated the challenge...

Dammit I am sick of this rainy weather...but of course, it could be could be snow.

1 comment:

Dreama said...

Thanks! I have an abundant supply of friends and family to inspire me daily...

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