Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Wednesday ramblings

Home this afternoon from work, not feeling too great, just an ordinary FM flare-up is all though. I never know when the flares will come or when they will leave. The weirdest body parts have more pain than thumbs, my elbows and my hips. Weird shit.

anyhow, being home, I am making lists of things I have left to do before I move. The list is still quite long, even though I have been busy for weeks. I think once the movers arrive and get my things off, I will feel a little less overwhelmed.

There's the Halloween party to look forward to though, this Saturday night. I have my costume made and it looks pretty will follow after the weekend as it is top secret until then, HAR, HAR.

Ok, time to go lay on call at 4:30pm...

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