check this out...mature subject matter
Just a little site that a friend sent along...its quite interesting...
musings under the sky...things that rattle around in my head...and make you rattle yours.
Just a little site that a friend sent along...its quite interesting...
musings by
12/19/2004 12:43:00 p.m.
I think it's faking it....
That should have had my name with it.... geez I'm not having a good day!!
see, I was all confused at first because I get the comments e-mailed to me, but they don't tell me what particular entry someone is commmenting on, so I was thinking...I wrote about Christmas preparations and doing my hair...what in the hell does that mean???? But then I checked out my blog and saw where the comment was left...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (pun intended)
I could've been talking about your hair --can't you picture some Wal-Mart moron: "Maw, I don't think that's her real hair, maw...."
Yeah.... you heard. I think you're faking your hair.... ;-)
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