Thursday, December 23, 2004

I'm sweating pimpin purple

so here I am, last morning before the non-resident teen comes home...need to cover up that pukey dirty green-grey color, so I put in the usual pimpin purple hair dye and then set about my housework...have to vacuum, put presents back under tree after tree reconstruction, general tidying of house, get laundry done, etc...I wipe the sweat from my face and lo and is purple...ha ha...I have a bag on my head (not the first time for that either...nor is it the first suggestion) to keep the heat in, and I normally sweat a little when doing housework (who doesn't) but the sweat trickled through the purple dye and down my face...looked in the mirror and I am purple faced...ha ha...thankfully, there must be something in the sweat that keeps it from dying my face too much and I was able to wash it off...PHEW! Funny enough when people comment on my hair...let alone my purple face! Speaking of which, I didn't get a whole lot of notice in Waterloo when I had my hair different was not that odd, that people glanced and kept on walking. WELL. Here in conservative Catholic Cape Breton, I get a lot of notice. Darn near EVERYONE I deal with will comment on my hair. Out loud. And most kids, especially in Wal-Mart, will comment on my hair, out loud. I have heard more little ones say "mommy, look at that lady's hair!!!!" Which is great most of the time (I certainly didn't dye my hair to fit in!!!), except when I want to be a little less conspicious because I just want to slip into the store and grab something and go. All my clients know I have colored hair, and many work at or seem to LIVE at Wal-Mart, so I don't always want attention drawn to myself. Not all my clients really like to see me very much, heh heh...granted, it is a fine icebreaker with clients and especially the kids I deal with. However, I have to learn to wear a hat sometimes I think...

Anyhow...I am sweating pimpin purple today...

1 comment:

Big Hoser said...

and Christmas was.... exciting? Boring? You get impatient with me... I get impatient with you!! ;-)



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