Sunday, June 12, 2005

Hammock camping and the tale of shitty arse

I love it! I camped once last year in my regular hammock and thought I would have my super-cool Clark Jungle Hammock Tent this year, but wasn't able to get it yet, so used my regular one again this year and it was GREAT! Was "down north" if that makes any sense (it does to folks around here) on work Friday night with a co-worker and we were joined later after the work was done by a couple of friends and stayed overnight at a local chalet there. It was too far to drive home again that night over the "mountains", so we stayed over on the company nickel...gotta like that.

Night #1 was day, very warm night and once everyone was settled at the chalet, the sky opened up and we got a spectacular light show accompanied by thunder...we were chillin' on the covered verandah/deck/bridge whatever by the time it showed up and so sat out and enjoyed the night, turning in well after 3am! Highlights of the evening include spraypainting our names on the flat rocks on Cape Smokey on the way over the mountain...a local tradition and long-standing one of mine! During such time my friend M. slid on her ass and only managed to spell the first two letters of her name (it was her second chance at her name)...caught on digital camera by another person in the car with us;

and an interesting conversation with "shitty arse". Funniest encounter with him yet. He works in a tiny convenience store in the area we camped at and I had described him to my co-worker as somewhat strange. Her response was that surely he couldn't have been stranger than herself (she isn't really strange, just original!) but when she met "shitty arse" she was forced to agree with me...So the story of shitty arse...well, my friend M. had asked for a pack of smokes, and he commented that the last time he tried tobacco was years ago when in high school, and it was chewing tobacco...he had nowhere to spit it out so swallowed it...and it had been unknowingly laced with exlax (how one does that, I know not) so he shit himself. His words actually. He said that it didn't matter how much time had gone by either, he wasn't able to shake the nickname, shitty arse. Apparently he went to his 30 year high school reunion recently and instead of being remembered for "the original AIDS vaccine (yeah, sure buddy) he was still rememered as shitty arse. Both M. and I laughing at that point, trying to laugh WITH and not AT shitty arse himself. Then we asked him if he knew of a local bootlegger as we had finished up with work too late to get to the liquor store (its a small town, closed at 9pm!!!) when he thought he should tell us all the last time he took a drink was in 1978 and it was some weird drink M. knew of (she's from the island, I'm not) and he didn't enjoy that either as it also burned out everything but his asshole. Ok, we're pretty sure we have to leave now as I am about to LOSE it laughing at this guy. We didn't know him from a hole in the ground and vice versa. I do recall going in there last winter once, and finding him strange, but this was out there! Anyhow, we had a few laughs after we left, so that was groovy. Poor old shitty arse...

so night #2 we were at a local campground there and I was set up in no time...hammock - check, pillow - check, sleeping bag - check, mosquito net - check. All set up. The others weren't far behind with their tents, as they got it DOWN. We set up and then took off to do some shopping and then head to the beach. R. and I swam but the other cowards folks chose to stay and shiver on the beach rock. Including two people we met at the chalets Friday night who couldn't believe we were going to actually swim, so drove to the same beach and found us there, and watched. They showed up earlier at our campground too...I was beginning to feel stalked, heh heh. The swim was a little chilly, but then I was numb before long and it didn't really matter. Back to the camp for beers, snacks, etc and set up for a rousing game of croquet. Which I lost this time...finally defeated after 4 games...heh heh... A delectable supper and then hours and hours of campfire until the last straggler headed off to count! Tried the mosquito net, but wasn't set up right and the twine I used was too weak, so gave that up and slept a very peaceful night...was awake for hours after going to bed, just watching the fire and stars from where I slept. No bugs and very little was a gorgeous night!!! Cinnamon buns and coffees at the beach then M. and I shopped our way home. More about the purchases in another post....this is long enough!

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