Saturday, June 18, 2005

Slothful Saturday Spittle

Well, not so much spittle...just a pool on the floor from something the cat tried to hack up. In other news...its raining here again today. Not really news. New would be if I got up and it was actually sunny from daylight to dark.

Got some friends coming over for supper and sharing of digital pics. My friend K. just got back from Scotland and Ireland, so can't wait to see those pics. My friend R. and I both have some to swap from our excursion last weekend. On the menu tonight is celebration chicken and potato cakes and candied corn. I had been craving the potato cakes for some time now and they are not something I make just for myself as they are too much work, and take too long. They are like little potato pancakes, and involve using pork fat that has been fried out. Those Newfies, they sure now how to clog the arteries.

I "went into town" this morning for some work related stuff as well as shopping. Never fails, I always see clients in the grocery store. At least these ones don't particularly hate me, so that was pleasant. And they had their newborn with them, which I just love looking at! I saw two other newborn ones this morning on a work-related call, so I have had my fix...

now for some peace and relaxation before beginning supper stuff...bought all the local newspapers and shall attempt to read them without the kitten ripping them to shreds in the process...

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