Sunday, August 21, 2005


I'm playing Auntie this weekend. Picked up my 6 year old neice O. yesterday from my parents who brought her across from Newfoundland. We went out to Pizza Delight for supper and she had a kitty cat pizza, which she just loved! When I checked out, I told the gal she was my favorite waitress because she always got my order right and was so efficient. She loved it. It was true...there have been many others there come and go, most of the terrible at their job, but this waitress had been there through it all and did a fine job. She said she really needed to hear that after the crappy day. Funny how a few words can mean so much to someone.

Last night was campfire and we had quite a blaze going. O had her first s'more, and LOVED it! It is certainly more fun at campfire with a young person. Its been years since my own daughter was that age, I miss it...sniff...

Today we're hoping to get to the beach, but its not looking so fine just yet...we may go anyhow and just not swim, but walk as I want to take her to Port Hood Beach to show her Port Hood Island, where her grandma is from.

Then her dad picks her up at suppertime and our little visit ends! Boo!

I like playing auntie, and don't do it hardly near enough...

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