Sunday, August 21, 2005

Decisions, Decisions...

With limited funds, one is frequently faced with decisions involving money. I'm no different. This coming weekend is Evolve and I have never been, but the tickets are $90plus tax online. And I just spent $85 plus mailing for my Rolling Stones ticket this week, for the following weekend.

It's not that I don't have a great alternative. Camping with a bunch of friends at some land owned by a friend, overlooking the ocean from the high hills of Cape Breton. Less people, less $$$ and I can sleep in my hammock. I doubt if I can find anywhere to tie it up at Evolve; couldn't either at Shoreline...just an open field. Hmmm...

not to mention that I don't really have the money either, heh heh. I would have to scrape up the bits and pieces to get it together...unless I sold my treadmill...and I do have someone coming to look at it tomorrow night...hmmm...if I go, it might be a very last minute Friday decision.

the thing is, if I move up north, I won't be around many festivals of that sort I reckon, hang on, just looked before I continued on that thought and they do actually have a cool looking concert in the Yukon, believe it or not!!! It's called the Dawson City Music Festival.

so...I guess I am left with peddling my treadmill so I can go to the festival...if that doesn't happen, I will still be able to have a great camping trip with my friends...tune in next time for my next bout of indecisiveness...jesus christmas...

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