Friday, August 19, 2005

Where are we going and how did I get in this handbasket?

I was out gathering firewood in the neighbors yard/woods and began sinking into the ground...WTF? Is it that swampy? Strange because its so dry here now, they have a ban on open fires here for the past while due to little rain. That's why I am watering my back yard to keep my campfire from spreading that I am going to light tonight (ban, what ban?). Anyhow, back to the squishy yard...I quickly realized what my neighbors had been doing with their horse manure they mucked out from the had been piled there years ago I reckon and the forest growth had covered it up for the most part, but was still very squishy...

So now its time to go check on the sprinkler...perhaps a little jaunt through it is in order on this hot summer day...its been YEARS!

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