Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ratings Schmatings

I just checked my blog stats, which I rarely do, and saw that I had been "reviewed" and rated. Apparently the reviewer feels that its time to give up the blog...but doesn't say why. Whatever, I don't care. I don't write for reviews, I've said that before. I just write because I enjoy it. I don't really care if I get any reviews or hits, honestly. However, I do enjoy comments, which is why I posted on BE, that and to take a peek at other people's blogs. I got a low rating (30%). The reviewer liked very little about my blog. Oh yeah, so don't come back.asshole I will just continue on writing as I always have, even if no one reads it. For me, I feel blogging should be whatever you want it to be, not someone else's idea of what it should be. I just wish the reviewer had left a more specific comment than to give up the blog, then the criticism would have at least been constructive.

coincidentally, the review is from today...and he/she didn't like my colors...I wonder if it was before or after I started fucking around with

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