Wednesday, August 10, 2005

What In The Hell

is with all this heat? It's summer, I know, but can't we have at least one day of rain? The nights are cool enough to sleep at least, which is a big change from living in Ontario a few years back. I just need to remember to put the fan on to draw the cooler air into the house at night.

the Stones concert in Moncton. Anyone going? I missed out on the original ticket sales, but I see that there are tons on ebay, some for ridiculously low prices. Hmmm...should I go or should I stay...

job stuff - heard from one of the jobs I applied for in the Yukon - they are sending me more information, and want to interview, so that's good news. I'll make about $25,000 more there too, which I can apply right on those god damn student loans. Take that, you feckers...

house chores...I need a house boy, someone about 6ft tall, muscular, in their mid twenties, and doesn't mind wearing cut-offs and no shirt while he works. I fecking hate house chores. I avoid the cat litter like the plague, never mind cleaning the bathroom. It gets done, but begrudgingly, and after I cannot possibly stand it any longer.

pant, pant, pant...

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