Another long, then off to Antigonish for an appointment - turns out I have asthma...guess that's why I nearly expired on the volcano in Guatemala...heh heh. The doc actually told me it was very dangerous to have such an attack so far from hospital, and no emergency puffer. So I left armed with two prescriptions and a promise to carry the emergency one with me at all times. Sure would have helped me out on the volcano, I tell ya.
Amber and I visited a friend of hers who is in the hospital getting treatments for cancer. The friend is from A & W, and Amber misses her quite a bit, so wanted to visit. She brought her candy, flowers and some Downhomer magazines. Amber made an odd comment though that I hadn't realized before...she had never been to visit anyone in the hospital before. She had surely been as a patient a number of times, especially to outpatients, but could not remember visiting anyone. I reminded her that she did visit me when she was just 2 years old, but of course, would not remember that. She was a little nervous, but I told her just to chat it up with this friend like she always did and enjoy the visit. The friend was likely glad to not have to talk about her illness for a change.
Was out to my friend Kathleen's house tonight. She finally had the opportunity to speak to her landlord about the possibility of me moving into her rental house. So when I got there, they stopped over for the "Interview". It was a little awkward, but we muddled through. They will let me know tomorrow. I think they were just surprised as they didn't know she was even looking for work elsewhere - it had been a low-key effort. So, I will hear tomorrow whether or not I get to finally move out of this noisy town. Either way, Cibele will move in with me next month, and if I have to stay here, I will just keep looking over the summer for another place.
Another busy week...with a fine ending - we have the agency picnic at Whale Cove this Friday. It is an afternoon and overnight adventure, complete with cabins, bbq and games. I went last year and had great fun, so it should be good this year as well. And then Sunday is the 18th birthday for the resident teen...HOLY COW. I am cooking a turkey for she and her friends, and I have to go in this week and order an ice cream cake for her. Brad is going to make some cookies. Should be good fun!
Now it is off to bed with me...and some reading in my latest novel - No Great Mischief by Alistair MacLeod. It is interesting thus far...
Monday, May 31, 2004
Saturday, May 29, 2004
The Great White North
That's the title of my friend Kathleen's new blog. As you know, she is moving up north and she wanted to blog, so I set one up for her and I hope she posts regularly so we can all live vicariously through her although I will not envy the COLD and DARK winter.
Look here for new postings, although I wouldn't expect anything until late June or early July when she actually arrives there.
The Great White North
musings by
5/29/2004 01:51:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
so I tried to listen to Kool FM and the only player available to listen to it is a TRIAL version they link to their site. rats...I thought I could just listen with Windows Media Player or something like that. if anyone knows how I can configure my own, just let me know.
I had a couple of days in Halifax, just got back last night. I had a training session for work on "Brief Therapy with Adolescents" which was quite helpful, but would have been more so if I actually did therapy with anyone. I only see people a few times, normally, and them move them on to others. But useful just the same. I have found though, that I tend to nod off when someone else talks for more than five minutes, so on the first day, I had a terrible time with the ol' head bob, back and forth...yikes. And it wasn't that he wasn't interesting either. So I brought my knitting the next day and was just fine. You laugh, but I tell you, I began bringing it in my last few months of my BSW degree and it made a world of difference. Instead of nodding off and sleeping through the lectures, I was actually able to pay attention. Thankfully for the other participants, I am not a noisy knitter - no clitcky clacking from me, heh heh.
Got some shopping done, and bought a present for the resident teen - her 18th birthday is in one week...YIKES! I also bought a birthday card and father's day know you have the right card picked out when you start cying in the card store...its so sad, really...and embarrassing.
I have begun a new novel after getting halfway through Sybil again and realized it wasn't what I wanted to read. Now I have begun Alistair McLeod's No Great Mischief so we will see how that goes. I also have a few others on the go in my reading pile on top of my nightstand - The Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan, On South Mountain about the Goler Clan, and one about the Dalai Lama and living a better life. There is likely a magazine or two there too.
Went to lunch with my friend who is moving up north...she has just 3 weeks left on this coast and then she heads to Inuvik...BRRRR...can't believe I was considering it myself! Now I am quite comfortable with my decision to stay, and excited for hers to move. Especially if I get to move into her house in the country...heh heh. Then my co-worker Cibele will be moving in with me and the resident teen will be moving OUT. We are going to Halifax again next week to do a little apartment hunting with she and the boyfriend. That and look for a prom gown...leaving it a little late for the prom gown, I know, but perhaps we'll get a deal.
now I hear the couch calling me for a Jude, come here...
musings by
5/29/2004 07:01:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Kool FM
Well, this is very cool...I was chatting on msn with my friend from Waterloo and she has worked for Kool FM for a while and told me tonight that she is "voice tracked" on there until midnight tonight, so I have gone to the site and am listening now...and have been told that it is Kool with a "K". :-)
check it out! Kool FM
musings by
5/25/2004 07:24:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
The Fate of Sponge Bob Square Pants
Well, although he fought the good fight to move on to a better life, poor Bob has been kicked to the curb, literally. He was auctioned off on e-bay and fetched a handsome price of $12.50US, but then when it came time for shipping, and he was taken out to the post office today, the shipping rates proved to be too much for the bidder to endure at nearly $50. The bidder was let out of his contract, and I had to bag up Bob and take him to the curb for spring trash pick-up sometime this month. Poor guy. Who knew his life would end like this...
musings by
5/25/2004 07:10:00 p.m.
1 words of wisdom
and this is another favorite from the session today...
many thanks to the hoser, Shane, for hosting my pics for me.
musings by
5/25/2004 07:00:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
new look for a new address
just a note - please do not adjust your set, I have indeed changed the template for my blog. thought I should have a new look for a new address. what do you think?
musings by
5/25/2004 05:57:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
grad photo day
Well, we finally did it...the planets were finally all lined up and we took the plunge and went to get the resident teen's graduation photos done. We began at Wal-Mart where we had hoped to get them done...turns out our local Wal-Mart does not carry the gown for the local high school. WTF? There are only three high schools in the two counties and they don't actually carry any of their colors. But yet they have a big advertisement for doing graduation photos...whatever for??? So after I pitched an embarassing hissy fit, we left and went to Bob Martin Photos and paid $30 for 12 proofs/poses. We have to then pay $25/sheet which is 1-8x10, or 2-5x7, 4-4x5, etc. Quite a difference from the $3.95 I was going to pay at Wal-Mart. They will get a stern letter from me...
So off we went to Bob Martin's and he was gracious enough to see how frustrated we were since we had taken months to get hair, makeup, absence of zits, schedules, time and so on all together. She dyed her hair yesterday so it was freshly colored for the pic...minus that little smudge of dye on her left cheek...can't see it in the photo, honest! Surprisingly enough, the photos were taken at noon and ready for 3pm. So I picked them up after work and Brad and I browsed the photos at home. The resident teen is at work, so has not seen them yet. There is a really nice one of her in the grad gown and another really nice one in her regular clothes. He took some of each and one of the both of us, but I don't particularly like the one with me in planets were not lined up...
I had my B & W film developed today too, but I was not so impressed with them. It wasn't Bob's fault, but the fault of a crappy camera and not so interesting subject matter in central america. I guess the Roman ruins look better in black and white. We didn't see that many in CA, so there are just a few pics that are frameworthy. Oh well...I have some really nice color pics that I will check out getting enlarged to 5 x 7 I guess.
My friend got a job up north, just the one she had been after for big money. Congrats!! When can I move into your house??? heh heh...I am hoping she will talk to her landlord early this week and let me know, one way or the other. If not, I am not homeless and Cibele will move in here with me next month when the resident teen and her man move out. We are going up to Halifax in two weeks to find those crazy kids an apartment, and take himself around to look for a job.
I am still recovering from the busy weekend...but can't go to bed early as I have to wait for the resident teen to get home and critique her pics or I won't hear the end of it, heh heh. If anyone wants to take a peek, just e-mail me or leave a comment and I can send it to you (family and friends only though).
I have to go to Halifax tomorrow afternoon - have two days training in Halifax so I have booked into the Cambridge Suites which is a pretty nice hotel. Will be nice to have some quiet alone time I guess, although I find staying in hotels rather lonely these days. Too bad someone else wasn't coming from work. I think my office mate is coming, but he is likely staying at his own house as he has a house just outside Halifax. Training is just more fun when there are two or more of you staying in the hotel together.
Ok, my contacts are about an hour past expiry for the day, so must run...later.
musings by
5/25/2004 05:37:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Monday, May 24, 2004
Another succcessful girls day. We ate, we drank, we did very little crafts, we watched a few good movies and oh boy, did we laugh! The movies we watched were Thirteen, AGAIN, because a couple of the gals hadn't seen it before. Its a great movie, which is why I bought it. We then watched Scary Movie 3. If you haven't seen any of them, rent them now, they are hilarious. The catch is, you have to have watched at least some of the horror movies that they refer to for it to make any semblance of sense. My favorite part in # 3 has to be the scene with the teacher after someone throws crayons at the door...I just ROARED. We need more teachers like that.
We then watched My Life Without Me, starring Sarah Polley. What an awesome movie. Sad, but a very honest portrayal that was not all sap and drama, just a real story. I would highly recommend it.
We had another movie to watch but were too tired to bother, so just K. stayed over and we headed off to bed after I finished bidding on a movie - St. Elmo's Fire, one of my favorites! The movie we didn't watch, I watched later today - The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer. It was a half-decent scary movie. Good plot, and no gore at all, just psychological stuff.
Now I have to go rinse the purple dye out of my hair...bleached out and redyed today for a fresh new purple. then it will be NAP TIME. Gawd, I need a vacation to get over my holiday weekend.
musings by
5/24/2004 11:21:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Sunday, May 23, 2004
6th Monthly Girls Day
Well, its here, 6th Monthly Girls Day. We are starting a little later today as it is a holiday tomorrow. I told the gals to come about 3-4pm and we will bbq supper later. Snacks, crafts, liquor, movies and comfy clothes are the order of the day and NO WORK TALK. I have a sign on my fridge that we are not working today and must not discuss work as most of my friends are social workers that I work with. It is a good rule and we are pretty good at adhering to it. Although sometimes I am the culprit.
I have to go find the movie Cold Creek Manor and since the resident teen has the car, if Big Al's Video doesn't have it behind me here, then I guess we don't get it, lol.
Brad has offered to entertain us, but I am not sure in which manner...heh heh, just kididng.
musings by
5/23/2004 06:43:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Yard Sale a Rousing Success
Well, its over...the hugest purge I have ever done. And I am $250 richer for it, YAHOO! Things went quite well, and what was left was either moved to the spring garbage pile at the corner of my yard for pick-up, or taken to the local women's shelter (clothes and household items), and I dropped off a huge pile of books for the second hand bookstore for either credit/money. I only brought just a few things back into my house that I either was unable to sell, and a few pieces of Tupperware I couldn't "give" away. One lady asked me how come my prices were so expensive for the Tupperware. Now this Tupperware is not your mother's old white and avacado or orange tupperware that smells like rotting plastic, this was relatively new stuff in mint condition, and I had a price of $5 on a container that is priced at $20 in the catalogue. So I politely told her that and that Tupperware has a lifetime guarantee regardless of owner. Still didn't budge, so I told her if she wanted to pay a dollar for a container, she should go to the dollar store and buy brand new Sterilite instead, because I wasn't giving away my Tupperware for a dollar. She ended up buying one instead of two, so it wasn't a total loss. Now, of course I didn't have that attitude about pretty near anything else, but since I was a Tupperware "consultant" for a number of years, I am quite partial to it, ha ha.
We had others selling with us - a friend of Amber's was there and had a whole table of stuff of her own, as well as two friends of mine brought some of their stuff to fill a table and a half. It was busy, that's for sure! People were coming by (as usual) as we were setting up, rooting around and asking questions. We also had a lot of "drive bys", you know the kind and you likely do it yourself - you're driving by, slow down as you pass the house and decide whether or not there is anything there worth stopping for, and whether or not you really want to get out of the car, because its kind of cold, and then step on the gas and head out.
We had a ton of kids come over, and they are Amber's usual customers as she clears her room of childhood things to make way for grownup stuff. There were two kids who came back about four times, and left with a shopping bag full each time. Their mother's will surely kill them, or come looking for us! Amber sold her bike, which was the main thing as it has just been collecting dust for years.
We served coffee, juice and cookies, which were a big hit, especially with it being so frigid out early in the morning. I was FROZEN. which in itself is unusual as I rarely find it cold. And in spite of the cold, most of us sellers got sunburns, on our faces of course as no other skin was exposed.
I managed to buy a few things myself from other sellers...books, a scrabble game (yeee haw!) and a picture frame. Following the sale, I also went out and bought a few new things that were definitely a splurge, but that has always been my one rule - when I have a yard sale, I must buy something nice for myself. I don't have to spend it all, but there must be at least one nice thing coming back into the house. So I bought four. I bought a mattress foam - you know the kind that they talk about mattresses being made of on TV like NASA stuff, where you put your hand in and it keeps the shape of your hand. This is a two inch thick piece for the top of my mattress. And boy did I sleep well last night...granted, it was likely exhaustion induced from a BUSY week, but I don't have sore joints today like I often do. I also bought a new pillow (who doesn't like a new pillow once in a while), a wooden and cloth magazine rack and my favorite purchase - a new polished steel lamp. I had sold my set of dusty rose (ick) lamps and needed at least one new one to replace it. I bought a white linen shade to go with it and it looks very smart in the living room. I didn't spend all my money, but feel happy enough about the money and the purge. I got rid of SO MUCH STUFF.
Now comes the time to clean up...cleaned up most of the upstairs last night, but the basement is a bit scattered since I had been going through boxes to find things to sell or put in the garbage. Now I have to pack up the boxes again and settle things away.
musings by
5/23/2004 04:18:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Thursday, May 20, 2004
well holy cow...someone bid on my Sponge Bob Square Pants costume! I did it as a joke and now someone actually wants it...very strange! But now I have to figure out shipping costs and how in the heck I am going to ship it!!! The buyer pays, so it won't cost me anything, but I think it is hilarious what you can sell on there. If it didn't go in the auction, I was going to sell it in the yard sale on Saturday, lol.
Which by the way, things are coming along nicely. I purged my cupboards and took out a ton of Tupperware for the sale, and I hope people aren't expecting to get it for nothing, as Tupperware is expensive and has a lifetime warranty (spoken like an ex-representative, heh heh). I earned every piece of that.
The resident teen priced all of her stuff today too, so we are nearly ready. I have to make some signs tomorrow evening because I forgot to get some bristol board and we should be set. I might have buyers for some stuff already which is GOOD. But now I am too tired to stay up any longer, so off to bed I go.
musings by
5/20/2004 06:22:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Sunny day again, that's lovely. Wish it would warm up a little, but I am not complaining. It was downright hot on Saturday and I got some sun, including a sunburn on the legs.
Nearly ripped my toe off on my cocky and didn't hold the handlebars, as I was reading and my toe slid back to the right and hooked in SOMETHING rather unpleasant...all I know is there is a flap of skin on my little toe trying to grow back. But it has not disuaded me from using it...been pretty good actually and used the treadmill nearly every single day since I bought it.
Sleepless night last night...I haven't slept well since returning from my trip, which is typical, but last night was the longest ever. I had a rough day at work yesterday with a child apprehension, which is never easy. I probably wouldn't have slept anyhow, as I usually spend the night replaying in my mind the events of the day, how the mother reacted, and the look on the child's face. Thank goodness I don't do that sort of thing very often or it would burn a person out.
Went out last night to my friend's house who I hope to rent next month for a look. Resident teenager was late in bringing my car back, so I didn't get out in time to get a picture of the outside of the house, and then I kind of forgot about pics on the inside. My friend is not a tidy person...enough said. But I could look through her clutter and furballs (two long hair cats...) and envision my things in her house. It is much more roomy than mine, and the location is perfect. It was just a mere 15 kms from town. There are some needed repairs/things to be done, but nothing drastic...doorbell needs replacing, tons of lightbulbs burnt out (that would drive me nuts - doesn't bother her), move out the old laundry pair to make way for my new set I bought when I got my job here, get the dishwasher cleaned (don't know how that works, but she claims it needs cleaning - I am thinking there is a food trap somewhere or something), get cables run to two other rooms and phone cords to two other rooms (jobs for my dad, the cables and phone things). So not a whole lot. The basement is huge and has cold storage too and a laundry chute from upstairs! Although I am not sure about throwing my laundry down there...seems to be an abundance of bugs/flies...they might crawl through it.
My friend has yet ANOTHER job interview, so something is gonna happen for her, and she will likely have several job offers. Then I have to give notice to my landlord, and get packing! I have decided not to do a big pack job, but to just take my time and move one room per day if I can, and get a truck for one day to move all the big stuff. That's the plan TODAY...who knows what might transpire as the time comes. My friend hopes to be out by mid June, so I am hoping to be moving in by then, and completed by the end of the month. The resident teen's graduation is at the end of the month - a week-long fiesta it seems. There are three nights, only two of which I am invited to go, but will be expected to drive for the third. They have the grad dinner, the prom and the grad party, all on different nights...and of course there is a party after the prom, so two late night parties in the same week. I was chauffeur last year, so likely a repeat duty.
Of course, my parents will be coming during that week we hope, so that should be interesting - moving during a parental visit. But they did it their whole lives as my dad was in the military, so it should be old hat for them...heh heh. Don't worry mom and dad, won't make you work that much at all. It should be mostly done by the time you get here. Just a few jobs simple jobs for dad :-)
must go get ready for another day.
musings by
5/18/2004 03:25:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Saturday, May 15, 2004
Just wanted to note that with the changes to Blogger, I now have a comments option. Feel free to leave any comments, but be aware that offensive or rude comments will be removed from my blog site. I would love to hear what you think about my ramblings and useless musings!
To leave a comment, simply look to the bottom of the post where the date and my username is and to the right of that is the word comments - click on "comments" and then click "post a comment". You will then get a new screen where you can type in a comment and the choice of posting as registered user (if you are one) or anonymously. Click on Publish your comment, or preview to take a look first. There you go, simple!
Looking forward to what others have to say :-)
musings by
5/15/2004 11:49:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Well, so much for being chilly. It is actually very warm today! Must be well over 20C...which is glorious! I was out sunning myself earlier, but got a bit of a burn on my thighs, so had to come in. I need something to lay one other than a towel so I can "flip over" to get the backs of my legs a little tanned. My upper body is well tanned from my trip south, now I need legs to match. I know what they say about sunning yourself, but I really don't care. I like being tanned! Simple as that!
My friend and co-worker A. was by earlier today with her brand new kitty...she is a lovely longish hair tabby and white...and she phoned me just now to tell me what they named HER - Rupert! can you imagine? We are both Survivor fans, so that's where it came from. The kitty is cute as ever, and will be expected to earn her keep at their new lodgings out in the country as there are mice in the area. She is just 8 weeks old, so will have some time yet, but I imagine it won't be long before she bags her first kill. According to A., she is getting along already with the resident dog, Brandy. He is used to kitties I hear.
The resident teen and boyfriend were out in the yard today, goofing around...I was watching from the upstairs window as they attempted cartwheels, handstands, flips, somersaults, was quite humourous...I rememeber the day when my body would let me do that...
I don't recall if I mentioned it before, but I am considering a move this summer out of town, but not too far. One possibility is to a friend's house in the country. She is pursuing employment up north, so I am pursuing renting her house when she departs. It is a nice 3-bedroom with a huge yard, and nice neighbors. I have also asked another co-worker to move in with me and share expenses since I will have so much room. The rent is less than I pay here, and I am hoping I will actually be able to tackle my student loans in earnest by sharing expenses. The co-worker and I hope we are compatible to live with each other, so it should be an interesting summer. The new house is not far from where A. and kitty are living, so we can visit often!
NOW what can I get up to...I finished my book I was reading...
musings by
5/15/2004 11:26:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Friday, May 14, 2004
yard sale, huh? Not is much to chilly around here. And it is forecast to RAIN! So I have decided to postpone my yard sale for a couple of weeks and try again then. I might actually have my stuff ready by then too. PROCRASTINATION.
TGIF - oh yeah, a full week back at work, what's that all about? My job has been VERY busy, and getting busier. Its mostly because my officemate is gone for the week, and I am having to do all of his work and mine too. Hopefully he will be back next week and I can get back to my own stuff.
So Rupert got the second million bucks...good for him. I think he deserved it. He played the game so hard, and without lying to anyone and only got voted out because he was a threat to win the game, twice! He looked so happy last night with his family, snotting and balling. But what is up with Jerri - don't boo me, wahhh, wahhh, wahhh. Then don't do evil things. And Big Tom, he was "touched" to be on the final four...yeah, ok...touched in the head maybe. What a goofball. So now it's over and they have already filmed the next one, to air in the fall. They are also taking applications for Survivor 10...great! This Survivor fan will get another year out of Mark Burnett's efforts. Next time there will be a pool again. We missed out in this one because it was so different and we weren't sure how they were going to run the show, and eliminate contestants, so skipped it. Now its back to normal.
Now its back to the real world of life and work...
musings by
5/14/2004 03:38:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Thursday, May 13, 2004
just to let you know there are another couple of dozen new pictures on my website from the trip...have one roll left to go - my black and white film. Now if I can just drag myself over to drop them off!
musings by
5/13/2004 01:52:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Well, I finally heard from the interview...I didn't get it, but some lucky aboriginal who invoked their right to affirmative action did. Good for her I say. She will fit right into that native community. But, they mentioned that they had a number of other opportunities they wished for me to consider and interview for. I gently turned them down, explaining my reasons for needed to stay in place for one more year. They fully understood and advised me to contact them next year if I became interested once again. Incidentally, though, they did have my co-worker's name on their list to call for a interview, so I was excited to hear that!
Then I got another call, just about the same thing - we have some opportunities coming up that we would like you to interview for. When it rains it pours! So again, I explained how I needed to stay home for at least one more year and that I would likely look at moving north next year. She fully understood, and also had my co-worker's name on her list to call...eerie!
Sunny here today, but not so warm. I am supposed to be getting things ready for the yard sale in two days...haven't done a thing, but better get hopping tonight. The resident teen also has boxes of stuff, so will put her to work today also, pricing it.
Now I have to take my car in for repair, which is thankfully covered by insurance. They want to replace the filter (which one, I don't know but will have to ask). I will be glad to get rid of the buzzing muffler...the front gasket on the exhaust needs replacing.
I finally got my hands on a movie I have been in search of for many years - "Where the Spirit Lives" with Buffy Ste. Marie. It was originally aired on CBC, and I have been looking for it all over, including CBC and e-bay. Found it on e-bay a number of times but the auction always climbs up rather steeply to about $70-80US, so this particular time, perhaps the seller didn't recognize the value of the movie, but he listed it with a buy it now price of just $15.99, so I snapped it up! Coincidence is, he lives here in Nova Scotia! So it is bought and paid for and should arrive today or tomorrow. Score!
musings by
5/13/2004 03:30:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
so Brad cooked supper for us was delicious! Broiled pork cutlets, rice, and potatoes. Lots of starch, but I love it! And THEN he did the dishes...who can complain about that? He worked all day at his work experience, came home and cooked supper then did the dishes...he must feel like a wife by now! I think he was even a little jealous of Amber who lounged around ALL day, doing nothing. But then she works about the same amount of time as he does, just on different days and in the evenings. He has all of his evenings off. She worked all weekend, where he had it all to himself. We shall see how the division of chores fares out when they move in together.
Day two back to work...great start...jumped out of bed, got dressed for work without looking outside in a short skirt and a tank top, thinking it would be nice out as the weather network said it would be on the net today...went downstairs and darn near froze...looked outside and it was pissing rain...could have done that first, but didn' back upstairs, changed outfit to long skirt and longsleeved sweater. Just as well, when I got to work, my co-worker headed down to court on a subpoena and shortly after came racing back up only to tell me that they actually needed me, not her! EEEK! I hadn't read a thing, or prepared in any way for the trial!!! So off I race to print off the case file and quickly skim the part they will surely ask me about, and thankfully I was dressed decently enough for court. I wait ALL morning to go on the stand, only to get up there at 11:45am for about 5 of the hold-ups was truly classic...they needed a video camera or a converter to watch the evidence tape as it was only recorded on 8mm...and didn't have one. They searched for about 20-30 minutes and when I asked what the problem was, I asked them politely why they didn't try the high school next door for one...they have their own TV lab, and the largest computer lab in the province, with tons of video equipment...oh really? Guess who gets appointed to carry out this off I race to sign out a camera so the trial could continue...gawd I feel like I live in a hick town sometimes!!!
Another hot topic at work is our upcoming camping trip on the long is still rather chilly and we are rethinking the whole idea as we don't want to freeze to death on the looking at cabins in which to camp instead, just for this trip and then as it warms up, tenting will be fine. There is nothing like a night out in the country to begin the summer season!
here's to the continuing saga of getting my pictures...I haven't written about it because it is too ridiculous, but I am just pissed off now. As you know, I was too cheap to put mine in the one hour photo, so dropped them in the cheaper option at Wal-mart where they send them away...didn't know that it was to HAMILTON, but anyway...I had specified what I wanted, which was 4x6 prints, matte finish and white borders...didn't know they didn't do white borders. So I get a call last week, on Friday afternoon - we don't do white borders. Ok I say, then just print them regular. Ok she says, and tells me they won't be ready until about Tuesday since they came to customer service, it slowed them down and they have already shut down the processing lab today as it is late on Friday afternoon. Ok says me...fine...whatever. If that was only the end...
Yesterday they call and tell me they can't do white, I tell them I have already talked to someone about this and understood they were going to just print them normally and I would have them tomorrow...oh, ok, I will make a note of that and let them know. Duh, what did your coworker do last week then? If that was only the end...
Today I got another call...they can't do the white borders...ok, this is enough...I already told your company yesterday AND on Friday that it was okay, just print them without and send them back to me. REALLY she says, I have no record that you spoke to anyone. I am evil now. I tell her if they are not back to Wal-Mart tomorrow, to just send the damn things back to me and I will take my business elsewhere. I tell her that I have better things to do than to call their customer service desk and wait for 20 minutes to speak to them only to be told the same darn thing again and again. I tell her that I will never use their service again. She tells me she doesn't blame me and that she will make a note of my call. Tomorrow shall be fun. I am going to Wal-mart in person to pick up my photos.
musings by
5/11/2004 05:59:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Monday, May 10, 2004
Survivor is hoo. I can't believe those two went to the end...make me hurl. What were the others thinking, even keeping Rob in the game??? They should have gotten rid of him weeks ago, and now little miss Amber Brkich took the million bucks and because she is marrying him, they will share it. They are too sappy to even watch, but you do, just like a car wreck, you can't turn away. Now CBS is going to give out another million bucks and everyone knows who will get it...Rupert! His popularity has not waned, and when I voted this morning, it already was an overwhelming majority of people voting for Rupert to have the second million bucks. Go Rupert! And we get a bonus night of Survivor on Thursday night, wow.
Its back to work for me today...getting dressed up and all that jazz. I have been rather slovenly this past week since my return home, and now I have to get with the program. Stay tuned for more ramblings and useless musing...
musings by
5/10/2004 03:51:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Sunday, May 09, 2004
I just finished reading my book from Amber...what a wonderful little book! It is called Dear Mom, Thank you for Everything by Bradley Trevor is the cutest thing. It is a collection of photos, mostly of animal babies and mothers with a story about thanking your mother for being there, for all sorts of things. Just wonderful! Thanks Amber, for the marvellous book!
She even made me breakfast, but lacking a tray, I went downstairs to eat it, which was fine with me! Now I have done nothing else but call my own mother and lounge around all day...I have been soooo lazy since coming back from my trip! I have to get moving soon though, and at least get my laundry done! Tomorrow I head back to work.
musings by
5/09/2004 10:10:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Saturday, May 08, 2004
well that was a lovely evening with invited out to my friends R. and A.'s new digs...they have moved into R.'s parents' house for a year while the parents travel on their sailboat. We we ate and ate and ate bbq, and watched funny stuff on television. Nice to have an evening out, thanks to A. for rescuing me, and Brad, who also came along as the resident teenager was working til midnight tonight.
A GALE of wind today...I braved it to put some clothes out on the line...silly all blew tablecloth was in the neighbor's tree. But it was dry, so I can't complain too loudly! If it wasn't for the wind, it would have been a nice day, but at times the gusts were wicked and blew dust and dirt all around in your eyes.
tomorrow is Mother's Day, but the resident youth in the home decided I should receive my gifts and cards today...Brad gave me a lovely bouquet of periwinkle blue hydrangeas, and Amber gave me a lovely book that I can't remember the name of, but is a funny book with drawings and things about being a child of your mother. All that's left is breakfast in bed tomorrow morning!
My last day off tomorrow and then back to the grind...who knows what the week will hold for me...I'm sure you will hear about it here...
musings by
5/08/2004 06:46:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 06, 2004
the job search - it has temporarily ended...after much thought and conversation with Amber, I have decided not to pursue employment elsewhere for the time being. I am moderately comfortable here, and feel that the timing is just not right for me, or for her. She will move on to Halifax of course, but I will remain here in Port Hawkesbury until at least next spring. I am just not up for a big change at the friends and family can relax, or cry, whatever!
so I will be settling in for another year here, and with Amber and Brad moving out this summer, that will be enough change for me! I will be having a yard sale on the 15th to clear out some clutter, and am looking forward to doing some local travel for the summer..camping and visiting family when I can.
musings by
5/06/2004 02:34:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Alas, we have returned from the south! I will post a few more on the Central American Blog, but I'm back here for regular drivel...
today is a day of chores...paying bills, checking the mail, getting groceries, getting film developed, dying my hair back from the awful color it turned in salt water, etc...I have only begun with my hair...once that is done, I am fit to go out in public, heh heh.
I have decided to keep my holidays for the rest of the week and just relax, get some stuff done around here and return to work on Monday, all refreshed. Hope things are not too busy at work, so I don't feel guilty!
Sunny day here today, but not the heat of central america. I will have to put pants and socks on, it looks like! No more shorts for a while.
Lots to do, not much to blather on about this morning...
musings by
5/05/2004 04:50:00 a.m.
words of wisdom