Saturday, May 29, 2004

so I tried to listen to Kool FM and the only player available to listen to it is a TRIAL version they link to their site. rats...I thought I could just listen with Windows Media Player or something like that. if anyone knows how I can configure my own, just let me know.

I had a couple of days in Halifax, just got back last night. I had a training session for work on "Brief Therapy with Adolescents" which was quite helpful, but would have been more so if I actually did therapy with anyone. I only see people a few times, normally, and them move them on to others. But useful just the same. I have found though, that I tend to nod off when someone else talks for more than five minutes, so on the first day, I had a terrible time with the ol' head bob, back and forth...yikes. And it wasn't that he wasn't interesting either. So I brought my knitting the next day and was just fine. You laugh, but I tell you, I began bringing it in my last few months of my BSW degree and it made a world of difference. Instead of nodding off and sleeping through the lectures, I was actually able to pay attention. Thankfully for the other participants, I am not a noisy knitter - no clitcky clacking from me, heh heh.

Got some shopping done, and bought a present for the resident teen - her 18th birthday is in one week...YIKES! I also bought a birthday card and father's day know you have the right card picked out when you start cying in the card store...its so sad, really...and embarrassing.

I have begun a new novel after getting halfway through Sybil again and realized it wasn't what I wanted to read. Now I have begun Alistair McLeod's No Great Mischief so we will see how that goes. I also have a few others on the go in my reading pile on top of my nightstand - The Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan, On South Mountain about the Goler Clan, and one about the Dalai Lama and living a better life. There is likely a magazine or two there too.

Went to lunch with my friend who is moving up north...she has just 3 weeks left on this coast and then she heads to Inuvik...BRRRR...can't believe I was considering it myself! Now I am quite comfortable with my decision to stay, and excited for hers to move. Especially if I get to move into her house in the country...heh heh. Then my co-worker Cibele will be moving in with me and the resident teen will be moving OUT. We are going to Halifax again next week to do a little apartment hunting with she and the boyfriend. That and look for a prom gown...leaving it a little late for the prom gown, I know, but perhaps we'll get a deal.

now I hear the couch calling me for a Jude, come here...

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