Saturday, May 15, 2004


Just wanted to note that with the changes to Blogger, I now have a comments option. Feel free to leave any comments, but be aware that offensive or rude comments will be removed from my blog site. I would love to hear what you think about my ramblings and useless musings!

To leave a comment, simply look to the bottom of the post where the date and my username is and to the right of that is the word comments - click on "comments" and then click "post a comment". You will then get a new screen where you can type in a comment and the choice of posting as registered user (if you are one) or anonymously. Click on Publish your comment, or preview to take a look first. There you go, simple!

Looking forward to what others have to say :-)


Dreama said...

I wanted to be the first one to post a comment so I can see that it works and how easy it is to leave a comment. Whoo hoo!

Big Hoser said...

Ooh! Ooh! Me next!

Hmmm. Nothing to say.

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