My hot water seems to have three temperatures...HOT, SCALDING HOT, and INFERNO HOT. Today I burned myself, AGAIN. I have an oil/hot water furnace, and the temperature on the hot water appears to be rather HOT. I have gotten it turned down to the lowest setting, but it isn't as easy as a thermostat on an electric or gas heater...the water in this particular hot water tank is BOILED. Even when you turn the cold water on after the hot has been in there, it takes a minute to clear it out, and GOD HELP YOU IF YOU FORGET! Which is what happened to me today. THAT HURTS!
I'd heard that you were voted in high school "most likely to combust in the shower"
congratulations. ;-)
that's funny...ha ha. I was quite a different person in high school than I am now, actually...and their prediction for me was to be a janitor in a building I once drew plans for...I had wanted to be an architect. Of course, everyone had that line, probable fate - yada yada yada...boy were they WRONG..and so I was I. I can't imagine being an architect now...I don't even know where my path SWAYED so far. I think it might have been a series of small steps, all leading away from it. BUT, interestingly enough, I DID draw the plans for the house we built in Newfoundland, AND the cabin we built.
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