Student Loan Hell
yup, I've been there. And likely some of you have too. Sometimes I think I would rather deal with Revenue Canada than those bastards at Student Loan Hell. I could detail to you the various and assorted ways they have fucked with my head and my life, but I'm sure you all have your own story. I only mention it because they called me again tonight, asking if I was now in a position to repay all of the loan...oh, you mean the $18,000...oh sure, let me get my piggy bank. I've been saving quarters in a pringles can, so have more than enough for you. And they get so indignant when you point out the insanity to them. Like tonight when I mentioned to missy that called that I was somewhat suspicious as to why she was calling tonight when I JUST spoke to someone not two weeks ago about that particular loan, and THEY told me they were now going to be handling my file, and it wasn't you (it was a young man). Oh, well I see that you haven't completed your financial statement yet, so we should do that. Um, what financial statement? No one asked me to in the 18 months I have been dealing with you people. Anyhow, we did part on good terms, and she has agreed to leave me the hell alone for 3 months...but then that other guy told me that too...and this gal did mention that there is a high staff turnover...gee, I wonder why???
If I could mention the worst experience with them, it would be when they kept losing my interest relief application. So they advised me to hand deliver it to a local bank branch (SCOTIABANK) and I HAND DELIVERED a copy to 5 local branches. Guess how many showed up. One. So I figure I got a one in 5 chance to reach someone competent, at that agency anyhow. And that is speaking highly of them. (and one more) Then there was the time when I received the letter from them denying me interest relief, and calling me 1 hour after the mail came that day to demand $20,000, right there and then. Yeah, she heard a few choice words that I know why there is high staff turnover...
I got a letter today from them. I have until April 2006 to repay my loan.
Of course, I'm not even done school until September 2006...
Gotta love a government that continually demands we pay them back --aside from our income tax and all the other little nitpicky stuff only to hear that Karla Homolka's getting her way paid to school... so the solution is to rape and kill first, is it????
Should mention my wife's Hell too. They kept sending the notices to the wrong address and even though she kept phoning them asking when she should start paying, they never thought to confirm her address over the phone. She thought they had it --they didn't. They'd added a '1' to the street.
So, finally they phone and said: "$10,000. Now." I ended up paying it off for her (ahh, inheritance and love does crazy things).
I pay $800 a month on student loans, where did they think that I wasn't fulfilling my obligation? Then there was the time they yelled and screamed at me into the phone, telling me I was living outside my income because I lived in a three bedroom duplex. Ok, sure, dumbass, I'll move out of that place where I pay $575 and into a two bedroom apartment and pay $720. She couldn't understand why I couldn't find a cheaper place. Ok, the only place cheaper is the projects, where 60% of my clients who hate me live. THAT would be a nice environment to raise a child in...what an idiot...I could go on. but won't. I will just get all angry again.
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