Teeth Are Like Needles
This new vampire kitten I have is driving me insane. He sure brings out the evil in me, which is sad. The evil hasn't come out in a very long time. Imagine finally getting to sleep after an hour or more of trying to settle the kitten down when he is still going and chomps onto the back of your calf, thigh, face, neck, WHATEVER. His teeth are like needles so it f-ing HURTS! And this is happening every night. Then he gets up in the morning at dawn, about 5am or earlier and begins again. He also likes to find me wherever I sit and gnaw on my limbs there as well.
Then there is the fun we have at the computer desk. Normally I don't mind a cat lurking, but he doesn't know how to lurk. He only knows how to terrorize. He will climb up my legs, whether or not I am wearing pants is of no consequence to him...I have the scratchmarks on my legs to prove it. His favorite spot to be, and my absolutely most irritated spot for him to be, is in the back of my keyboard drawer, playing with the cord on my mouse, so he hauls it off the end of the drawer, or lays on the mouse, clickin randomly so it fucks up whatever I'm doing. Or he is over climbing over the phone, and mine is one that is live when you hit the keys, so he can interrupt my internet at random as well. I usually snack or eat supper at the desk while I read the news, blogs, whatever. Well, he certainly makes a pest out of himself then. He tries to get IN my glass, bowl, plate, bag, box, WHATEVER. He'll climb right up on my shoulder, or face if he can, and try to take it out of my mouth. I can usually get rid of him easy enough, but at timeshe is very persistent and he earns himself some yelling time.
and then there is the times when he just won't stay out from under my feet, no matter how many times I step on him. I nearly broke his leg the other day when I stepped on him, but it has taught him NOTHING. I walk kind of on the ball of my feet, as I don't like pounding through the house by the heel, and he takes advantage of that by placing his body under my heel...
I know I got this kitten for company for both me and the resident feline, and that kittens will play, but it is his constant attacking me that really makes my blood boil. Real or not, I feel like I am the target of all his aggression and he is not willing to give it up anytime soon. There are times when he is as cute as a button and very affectionate, but then there are times when I would rather punt him out the door. Not that I would. But I think about it all the time. sigh...
I have heard of Soft Paws, which is a rubber tip you glue onto the claws of a cat or dog, but are there any such rubber tips for their teeth? I will be stoppy by the local vet for a package of soft paws today and that will slow the little mite down a notch or two. At least he won't be using me for his favorite climbing post, bare legs and all...
Get him lotsa toys that he can attack and chew on. Another useful item is a laser pointer. My cat loves to chase the little light dot all over the place, it requires very little effort from me, and it tires the little bugger out.
Oh, he has a TON of toys...many were the resident feline's but others I bought or made for him and he does play with them, and the toy basket as well. However I just gave him a little beanie baby, maybe he will beat that up instead of me. I've had cats most of my life but never one this aggressive...sheesh!
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