Huge Bug Inside
It was a n occurence at my workplace. I was walking by a co-worker's office doorway the other day and saw this HUGE bug, with long antennae that had little balls at the end. I wasn't about to smash it with my sandal (but a huge winter boot would be fine) so I went and retrieved an old soup can from the kitchen recycling box and gently laid it over the top of this huge bug. It was as long as the diameter of the soup can. But then I thought my co-worker might move the can and discover the bug without knowing as I might not get a chance to tell her. So I got a post-it note and wrote HUGE BUG INSIDE on it and stuck it to the top of the upturned can. And went back to my desk.
That is a funny story. I would have screamed I think. You made my day. Tahnks. Found you on BE.
if the bug had been flying, it would have been a totally different story...crazed woman jumps from office window, screaming and tearing her hair out...
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