Sunday, August 14, 2005

Stormy in the Window

Here is the little shit disturber, looking oh so innocent. He constantly pesters the resident feline until she finally gives him a hell of a swat and he takes off. He is on the go constantly. In the wee hours of the morning, he thinks its ok to jump on my dresser and begin rooting through my basket of jewelry so I have to get up and put it in the dresser drawer. So then he leaps from the dresser to the back of my head and begins to fight with the resident feline, and my face is right in the middle of the battle zone. He is responding well to the spray bottle. I usually only have to show it to him and he backs off and runs off to stir up shit somewhere else. He had been all over my desk, stepping on my keyboard, sitting in front of the screen and refusing to move, so I HAD to get the bottle out. He looks so pathetic though, when I spray him, you'd swear I had acid in the bottle instead of fresh water. He squints, blinks and cowers away before I even squirt.

But he's a cutie, that's for sure. He follows me around the house, particularly when I'm in the kitchen and when I go to the basement to do the laundry. Now he's sprawled out on the desk next to the monitor, which is ok. Little shit is curled up around the water bottle though...


Big Hoser said...

:insert evil laugh here:

Anonymous said...

Hey Aunt Jude that looks like my cat when it was younger. lol. although they get feble lookin after 10 years:P

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