Monday, October 11, 2004

Finally, I can RELAX!

The dishes are finally all done (two dishwasher loads, and 3 sinkfuls) and the kid has been safely delivered back to Halifax...I can finally relax. I have everything put back to rights, and the kitchen is to do, what to do? RELAX!

Its almost surreal to think about going back to work tomorrow...seems like I've been gone forever. I'll only be in for a day and a half and then gone again to training in Halifax for a night and a day. Go Go Go!

I'm on my last block of my knitted blanket (the third one this year) and then I have to just sew it together. I don't know who I'm going to give it to, or if I'll keep it...then I'll begin a quilt I bought some fabric for in Halifax last week. A fall project I hope, that will get done rather swiftly...then I might take out my hand quilted one and get back moving on that.

So much change going on at work...who knows what the atmosphere will be like tomorrow...three workers quit in the past two weeks. Not because of anything that happened there, just what is going on in their lives is all. Now we will have two newbies again, and they hired our casual worker that I shared my office with for one of the long-term positions.

I spent two hours after I arrived home on Friday night, setting up the, it took forever! But was relatively straight forward, and the little guys were all settled in the very next morning when the temperature seemed to have settled down at a comfortable 78F. We had one casualty though, one of the tetra's that had neon dye in it. I think I may have bonked it when I was netting them to transfer to the tank, and then he drowned. Anyhow, the others swam over him for a while then began licking their lips, so I took him out and sent him down for a royal flush. The others seem to be doing very well though and have appetites like savages! Kitty is quite enamored of them, and sits and watches often, as do I.

Its pouring rain and blowing a gale most of the day here today, but the rest of the weekend was amazing. I invited a friend over yesterday to take some photographs of Amber and I in the fall colors, and I think they will be amazing as the trees were wonderful. I'm just looking for a few to hang and one to send out with the annual Christmas Newsletter.

Now for the relaxing part...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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