Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The resident feline

Well, I may have lost the resident teenager, but the resident feline is sure underfoot...she can't stand to be anywhere else but AROUND me. And we're not just talking hanging out in the same room, but hanging off me like a tumor. She is currently under my right arm/elbow as I type, sitting on the arm of my desk chair. It's not like she's watching what I'm doing or anything, as her butt is facing the computer. She just has some incessant need to be RIGHT THERE. Often when I am at the computer, she parks her ass right in front of the monitor...sometimes she will crouch down so I can actually see, while other times she is not as considerate...which is when I breathe on her...she gets quite irritated by that.

When I sit in the living room, she is either on the table beside me in her Garfield basket, curled up absorbing the heat from the lamp, or she is on my chair, on my lap, on my arm, on my shoulder, or around my neck. She just can't stand not to be front and centre. And now that I have the aquarium, well, she loves to lay across my arm and elbow to gaze at them while I watch television.

When I go to bed, she has to be curled up on my arm/shoulder. I normally sleep on my side, so I have my bottom arm out across the lower part of the pillows and she is tucked right in there, with her head on my pillow beside me. Its cute enough, but here I am, with another bedmate that snores...she usually gets too warm and will eventually move to the lower part of the bed, right between my legs. So you know how you sometimes like to just adjust your legs in bed, side to side to find that cold spot to cool your feet off (women, you know what I mean), well the cat is ALWAYS in the way and has managed to warm that cold spot. Then when I first stir in the morning, she is right back in my face again, wanting to cuddle. The fun comes in when she is tucked in my arm again, head on my pillow, and the alarm goes off and I can't reach it because she is laying on my arm. So UP she jumps and gone like a flash to begin the day.

And how about the bathroom...never a private moment, I tell ya. She has to be in there with me, playing in the sink, each and every time. If I don't let her, she scratches at the door.

I've never known a kitty to be that affectionate and attached to an owner, but boy oh boy, she is securely attached to me. She generally ignores most of my friends, especially K....not sure why. And she REALLY doesn't like M., but she has two cats and a dog, so has surely been branded a traitor.

She loves to play, and for a 7 year old kitty, she is just like a kitten when she gets going. She has these rabbit fur "mice" that I can bury at the bottom of her toy basket and she roots them out each and every time. She just loves them and will attack at any given time, especially when you're not expecting it. I've even found them under my bed, where you just know she's chased them. My room mate has found her mat and a mousie stuffed under her bed where you know she has chased the mouse into her room, onto the mat and then skidded under the bed with it all. Funny as hell.

All in all, she is by far the best kitty I have ever had, and wouldn't trade her for the world. Thanks Via, for all the good snuggles. And if I breathe on you to shoo you from the computer, get over it. You get your fair share of attention!

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