Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Looking down the road and finding..

that you are farther along than you thought. I was driving home from work today and thinking about the clients I had just seen, and began thinking about how they are just putting their child into the public school system, and I'm talking to them about properly supervising him, and I began thinking about how I longed for the days when I didn't have to watch my own child's every move, how I missed the freedom that only comes from adolescence. I wasn't wishing the years away, but thought about how that place in my journey seemed so very far away, and now, before I knew it, its been here and gone.
My daughter moved out last June to attend university and the likelihood is that she won't be coming back to live with me, at least not for some time. I truly enjoyed my time at home with her in the role of her mother, even though at times it was a little rocky, I would never trade a moment of my time watching over her as her mother. Now she needs me less or in other ways and its bittersweet. I do love my newfound freedom, but wow, this nest is awful empty.

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