Monday, February 28, 2005

Monday Musings

no real train of thought in mind, just some rambling...

- for anyone who remembers all my difficulty sleeping, my doctor and I have finally discovered the cure - Elavil (Amitriptyline). Along with being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in early January, she gave me this drug and we played a bit with the dosage and timing and have finally come up with something that works. After YEARS of insomnia, I can now finally SLEEP and its GOOD sleep. The other drugs that I have tried in the past have not left me feeling restful and usually gave me a sleep hangover, if they worked at all to help me stay asleep. YAHOO!

- I think I am going to have to give up dairy and white flour for a while. My tummy is recoiling and its not from the rotten bacon I ate the other night, its been somewhat cumulative. Used to be allergic to milk as a child, and perhaps the tolerance for it has been thrown once again. As for white flour, well, just can't seem to find anything good written about it and want to give abstinence from it a whirl to see just how it impacts my health.

- we are due for more snow. great. F.U. winter.

- the Amazing Race starts again tomorrow night. I hope Robfather and Ambuh get the boot on the first night.

- I saw a dead something on the side of the road and couldn't figure out what it used to it is just a pile of fur on the side of the road

- Abbey Road is coming to Port Hawkesbury in March - can't seem to find their site on the I might be mispelling the name. They are, of course, a Beatles tribute band and I am such a fan of the Beatles. The tickets are just $15, so why not?

- Blogger is FINALLY counting posts again and this is post #352.

- it is past my bedtime so I am off...


Big Hoser said...

Hopefully it works!! :-)

YOUR profile is updated, mine still says I'm at 249 posts... Guess I'll wait and see if it updates today...

1. Can't wait for AR. Another 10 hours for me and I have a meeting to go to beforehand, so I may be watching it on tape. I'm already sick of the Robfather comment "Holy Canolie!" they keep showing in the commercials
2. It's a good thing to give up white flour. I wanted to, but doctor's orders said to stay away from whole wheat because of my allergies and just have white flour. You can imagine my wife's reaction and my trainer's reaction to that!!
3. I kinda miss snow. It's really a rare treat for us here it seems. We had maybe 8 snow days all winter. February was great and I wore shorts and a t-shirt almost everyday. Sorry.

Dreama said...

I don't think that is the right site...there are tons of tribute bands and they are not booked to be anywhere near us here, so I have to keep on looking. I might just go into the rec centre tomorrow to check it out.

Snow. you can have mine.

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